Meet Andres!

A Proven Community Leader

Born in Bogota Colombia and raised in West Virginia, Andres moved to the Mason District 12 years ago with his wife, Shanna. They have since raised two daughters and a myriad of adopted pets in Mason. Andres looks forward to serving his community as the first immigrant and Latino Mason District Board Supervisor. 

Andres’ long history of public service includes years as a Democratic Staffer on Capitol Hill, Federal Affairs for the City of New York, as well as leadership across a number of environmental nonprofits including Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the Ocean Conservancy. Andres is currently the Executive Director of Green 2.0, where he works to elevate communities both under-represented and disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental catastrophes.

Andres is on the board of the Culmore Clinic in Falls Church and served as the at-large Fairfax County Planning Commissioner from 2020 to September 2023. A strategic thinker and relationship-builder, Andres looks forward to continuing to serve his community as the next Mason District Board Supervisor.